Teach Cyber Presentations

Dark, M. & Daugherty, J. (2021, April 29). Hands-On Cybersecurity: Capture the Flag with Teach Cyber. [Conference presentation]. 2021 Hawaii STEM Conference, Virtual. https://www.hawaiistemconference.org/student-pd

Dark, M. & Daugherty, J. (2021, April 27). Teach Cyber Courseware. [Conference presentation]. 2021 Dell Technologies Cybersecurity Summit, What’s possible: Building Cybersecurity Pathways for All Students, Virtual. https://sites.google.com/dellsalesdemo.info/cybersecuritysummit/cybersecurity-summit

Daugherty, J., & Dark, M. (2021, April 21). The High School Cybersecurity Curriculum Guidelines. [Conference presentation]. 2021 Dell Technologies Cybersecurity Summit, What’s possible: Building Cybersecurity Pathways for All Students, Virtual. https://sites.google.com/dellsalesdemo.info/cybersecuritysummit/cybersecurity-summit

Dark, M., & Daugherty, J. (2021, April 20) Cybersecurity Pipelines, Pathways, and Ecosystems. [Conference presentation]. 2021 Dell Technologies Cybersecurity Summit, What’s possible: Building Cybersecurity Pathways for All Students, Virtual. https://sites.google.com/dellsalesdemo.info/cybersecuritysummit/cybersecurity-summit

Daugherty, J., & Dark, M. (2021, March 24). Cultivating the K-12 Cyber Ecosystem. [Conference presentation]. 2021 CyberMaryland Conference, Virtual. https://www.fbcconferences.com/e/cybermdconference/default.aspx

Dark, M., Beck, S., Daugherty, J., & Loepker, M. (2021, March 13-20). High School Cybersecurity: Curriculum Concepts, Content, and Course Construction [Conference presentation]. 2021 SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Virtual. https://youtu.be/d_uTcix541M.

Dark, M., Daugherty, J., & Emry, M. (2020, July). Cybersecurity Curriculum Framework [Conference Presentation].  2020 Computer Science Teacher Association, Arlington, VA.

Dark, M., Daugherty, J., & Emry, M. (2020, June). Cybersecurity Curriculum Framework [Conference Presentation]. WeTeach_CS at the University of Texas Austin, Georgetown, TX.

Dark, M., Daugherty, J., & Loepker. (2019, Dec). A Framework for High School Cybersecurity Education [Conference Presentation]. Presentation at the 2019 CyberMaryland Conference, Baltimore, MD. https://www.fbcconferences.com/e/cybermdconference/agendarow.aspx

Dark, M., Emry, M., & Daugherty, J. (2019, Dec). C5 Integrating Cybersecurity into AP CSP. Retitled: Can High School Students Learn Applied Cryptography? Yes…….And more!! [Conference Presentation]. NIST NICE K-12, Orange County, CA. https://whova.com/embedded/session/nkcec_201912/749987/