Unit 2 – “Risk, Adversity, and Trust”
17 Days
Unit 2 picks up with the question of the value of information. Students identify what information assets need to be protected, and how they need to be protected. The unit then introduces the idea of threat sources, and students identify the vulnerabilities in conjunction with the impacts (i.e., disclosure, deception, disruption, destruction, and/or usurpation). The unit shifts focus to countering threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks with security services or controls. Security controls are introduced in two ways. First a few controls are introduced, e.g., authentication, cryptography, access control, firewalls, intrusion detection. Here students are engaged in learning about the control and its role in prevention, detection, and response. This unit then considers these same controls but this time through the lens of establishing trust. In order to do that, the unit addresses the question of “what is trust”? It is pointed out that while trust cannot be quantified precisely, trust is essential in everyday life and cyberspace. After exploring attacks, vulnerabilities, threats, control measures, and trust, students will develop an understanding of cyber risk.